Digital ServicesDigital Services
The MY GENESIS app can be used to remotely control the vehicle and provide key sharing with family and friends.** The MY GENESIS app is compatible with Android smartphones equipped with the following - Android operating system version 9.0 (Pie, released Aug. 6, 2018) or newer, and Bluetooth (BLE) 4.2 or newer.
* The app’s services are limited on iPhones as Apple Inc.’s policy does not support NFC. The app is anticipated to be available via iPhones when Apple changes its corporate policy (the NFC card key feature is currently accessible).${'genesis.common.p2.close.tooltip' @ i18n}
This is a recording device that utilizes the cameras placed on the front and rear ends of the vehicle. Users can see video images live or save/download them, or upload images to social media outlets via the display screen or a smartphone.